Diabetic Eye Exams in Buffalo

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More Than Meets the Eye

If you’re one of the millions of Americans who live with diabetes, you probably already understand how important it is to manage its effects and preserve your health. 

However, there’s more to diabetes than meets the eye.

Using a whole-health approach and proven diagnostic technology, Dr. Neal can help preserve your vision from diabetes-related vision loss. Come in and relax knowing that our caring, compassionate doctor is always here to support you.

Why Eye Exams

Are Important

Diabetes can increase the risk of several different eye diseases, some of which cause permanent vision loss. We can detect these issues during a comprehensive eye exam and provide unique, holistic strategies to help preserve your eye health and vision.

Because we want you to have the healthiest eyes and clearest vision possible, we always recommend having yearly eye exams. However, if you have diabetes, eye exams may become even more important. Dr. Neal will recommend a personalized exam schedule based on your vision health and your overall health.

Detecting Diabetes-Related

Eye Concerns

Providing comprehensive eye care requires a deep understanding of how your overall well-being may affect your vision over time.

If you have diabetes, we’ll add a few steps to your eye exam to monitor how the disease may affect your eyes. These steps will include noninvasive imaging technologies to see inside your eyes.

If we discover an issue developing, we can get to work on providing a management strategy unique to your vision and health needs.

Fundus Photography

Fundus photography captures HD color images of your eye’s fundus—an area that includes the retina, macula, optic disc, and retinal blood vessels.

With fundus photography, we can detect several different eye diseases, including glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, and age-related macular degeneration.

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) takes detailed cross-sectional images of the back of your eye, like your retina, macula, and optic disc.

Alongside diabetic eye diseases, OCTs can help our team detect glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and other issues that may affect your eye health.

Eye Care That’s

Uniquely Yours

There are several ways you can help manage your risk of developing diabetes-related eye disease, including lifestyle changes like:

  • Eating healthier foods
  • Exercising
  • Quitting cigarettes
  • Controlling your blood pressure and cholesterol

If we detect any signs of an eye disease during your exam, Dr. Neal will explain next steps, including any medications or procedures required to preserve your vision.

Book your appointment with us today.

Our Location

Find Us

You can find us on Elmwood Ave. right off Bryant St., just past the Rite Aid.

Where to Park

For your convenience, we have parking stalls behind our office as well as street parking out front.

Our Address

  • 410 Elmwood Ave
  • Buffalo, NY 14222

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: By Appointment
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: By Appointment
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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